OncliteRedmi 7XiaomiApr 25, 2023
MaintainerYang Baru
- Sync with latest source
- Fixed Camera & GCam Freeze
- Small changes from kernel source
- Enable VoLTE support for Indosat and XL Axiata
- Added volte support for bangladesh sm prover gp and robi
- And More
- Issue: If you turned on WiFi , you can reboot first to turned on Hotspot
- Clean flash recommended
- OrangeFox recovery recommended
MaintainerYang Baru
- Initial Android 12 Release
- Shipped with JFla 4.9.293
- Added GcamGo as default
- Enable MIUI Notch
- Fixed Recovery Stuck
- Enforcing build
- Clean Flash recommended
- Recommended to use NikGApps Core
- Needed Firmware from MIUI (China) / (Global
MaintainerYang Baru
- Add Support for Alipay and WeChat fingerprint payment
- Update Peripheral Manager blobs from LA.UM.9.6.3.r1-04400-89xx.0
- Update Alarm stack from LA. UM.9.6.3.r1-04400-89xx.0
- Update Time stack from LA. UM.9.6.3.r1-04400-89xx.0
- Update Connectivity stack and IMS ViLTE blobs from LA.UM.9.6.3.r1-04400-89xx.0
- Bump IImsFactory HAL to 1.1 version
- Bump ISecureElement HAL to 1.2 version
- Update Secure MSM stack from LA.UM.9.6.2.r1-03600-89xx.0
- Update Widevine stack from crosshatch
- Bump Widevine HAL to 1.3 version
- Disable Blur option in Settings
- Increase Speaker and Mic volume
- Switch Back to CAF Power HAL 1.0 version
- Switch back to Stock Kernel
- Remove coresight leftovers
- Disable sdm rotator downscaler
- Move CarrierConfig to RRO’s
- overlay: Use CarrierConfig CSP boolean
- Build vendor variant of [email protected]
- Switch back to default Light HAL configuration
- Switch back to legacy QTI Soter Service
- Clean Flash recommended
- Recommended to use NikGApps core
- Needed Firmware from MIUI (China) / (Global)
- Banking apps working
MaintainerYang Baru
- Enable VoLTE support for Three , XL Axiata , Indosat and Telkomsel
- Hide Magisk Better
- Add Smartcharging address & sepolicy
- Add overlay Battery Health
- Enable USB Fast charger by default
- Enhance charging speed
- And more
- Clean Flash mandatory
- Recomennded to use NikGapps core/basic