SantoniRedmi 4XXiaomiAgu 22, 2022
MaintainerYang Baru
- Synced with latest source
- Initial release build for android 13
- Address some denials
- Shipped with Rimuru kernel v4.7
- Compille kernel with proton-clang
MaintainerYang Baru
- Synced with latest source
- Workaround CPU Clock
- Use default allocstall threshold on k4.9
- Address some denials
- Shipped with Rimuru kernel v4.6
- Misc. Fixes and Improvements
MaintainerYang Baru
- Update Retro Music
- Update Kimci Recorder
- SELinux enforcing
- Updated most blobs from LA.UM.9.6.2.r1-02500-89xx.0
- Updated Media configs from LA.UM.9.6.2.r1-02500-89xx.0
- Updated data-ipa-cfg-mgr from LA.UM.9.6.2.r1-02500-89xx.0
- Switch Skia rendering backend to Vulkan
- Moto Dolby support
- Upstremed Kernel: 4.9.243
- Misc. Fixes and Improvements
- Issue: DT2W
- Issue: Network lost if calling on dialer. Fix: Remove system_ext/frameworks/qti-telephony-common.jar (need root access)
- BitGApss Recommended
MaintainerYang Baru
- Switch Kernel to GatotKaca Kernel 4.9.262 (Base from Luuvy Kernel)
- Update to Clang 12.0.3
- Merge LA.UM.8.6.2.c25-00800-89xx.0 into Kernel
- Switch to Redfin FP March 2021
- Update Last Source
- Dont forget flash GApps before reboot to system
- Recommended Nikgapps Core or OpenGapps Nano
- OTA Still Broken