YSLRedmi S2XiaomiNov 19, 2021
PLINGIf there are problems, please change the pling.com domain to opendesktop.org or store.kde.org.
MaintainerWhat's New
- Initial Android 12
- Fixed Device Dead on some devices
- Selinux Enforcing
- Clean flash is mandatory
- SafetyNet passes out of the box
- Don’t Flash any Kernel for now
MaintainerWhat's New
- Initial build
- Import Thermal Blobs from Olive V10.3.5.0.PCNCNXM
- Import Charger from Redmi 7/Y3
- Import qti-telephony-common.jar from LA. UM.9.6.2.r1-02500-89xx.0
- Update Blobs to 11 from LA. UM.9.6.2.r1-02100-89xx.0
- Address Sepolicy Denials
- Use dataservices from LOS Q
- Update Media, Audio Config from LA. UM.9.6.2.r1-02100-89xx.0
- Update qti_whitelist and privapp-permissions-qti from LA. UM.9.6.2.r1-02100-89xx.0
- set Zram swap 65% of RAM
- SELinux permmisive for now
- Hide magisk manager to pass CTS
- Doesnt have inbuilt gallery,etc for now
MaintainerWhat's New
- Synced with latest source changes
- Selinux Enforcing
- Fixed Statusbar Padding on some devices
- Switch to OSS camera Hal
- Recomended GApps : All Gapps working
PLINGIf there are problems, please change the pling.com domain to opendesktop.org or store.kde.org.