Donations are given in appreciation of his work
Oct 6, 2022

How to fix download on Pling

Problems are also often experienced when downloading on Pling such as service server instability that can make downloads fail, download speeds are small or slow, and even undergo maintenance several times.

We don't recommend downloading files on pling using the download feature of the browser.

Then, how to solve it if you get to the problem? Check out the following methods of solving it.

Free Download Manager (Mobile)

Make sure you have downloaded the Free Download Manager on the Playstore. If you get an ERROR, click point three as shown above.

Click on the first link as shown. (Link drawn censored). After that it will open the download page automatically in the FDM application. It is enough to repeat the download as before because this process will update the previous error link.

Then you will get a kind of popup to confirm the download. In this Step, you simply click on SKIP and the link will automatically resume the previously interrupted download.

This method is the same as other third-party download applications provided there is a feature such as "Refresh Link Download".

Pling is a special storage service for developers who want to upload work files for free and without restrictions. In addition, Pling also provides a small commission as a form of appreciation for their support of their services. So that the recommendation not to mirror links is a form of support also to developers who upload.