Mi439Redmi 7A, Redmi 8XiaomiApr 3, 2023
MaintainerYang Baru
- March Security Patch
- Import system Perf blobs from LA.QSSI.13.0.r1-05300-qssi.0
- Use prebuilt vendor.qti.hardware.perf*.so from LA.UM.9.6.3.r1-06200-89xx.0
- Improve stability
- Issue: Wi-Fi QR Scanner
- Retrofit Dynamic Partitions
- Clean flash is mandatory
- SELinux mode is Enforcing
- Needs 64bit recovery to flash
- Mi439 = olives + pine
MaintainerYang Baru
- Q blobs -> R blobs
- Disable wallpaper zooming
- Make the UI smoother
- Misc fixes and improvements
- SiLonT as default kernel
- SELinux mode is Enforcing
- Needs 64bit recovery to flash
- Mi439 = Redmi 8 (Olive) + Redmi 7A (Pine)
- Don’t flash kernel without OSS Camera support
MaintainerYang Baru
- Initial Release
- Initial R vendor blobs
- Drop Sar Controller
- kernel: Upstream to 4.9.309
- SELinux mode is Enforcing
- Issue: Use Footej Camera for video recording
- Needs 64bit recovery to flash
- Mi439 = Redmi 8 (Olive) + Redmi 7A (Pine)